Florist wrap
Florist wrap can easily add value to a flower arrangement, flower bouquet or a planted flower gift, Floralsundries.com stock;
Oasis abaca and hessian florist wrap- this easily manipulated florist wrap is strong enough to hold any shape and therefore is ideal for adding interest and value to hand tied flower arrangements, floral foam arrangements or flower bouquets.
Florist fabric wrap- Florist fabric wrap comes in a wide range of colours and patterns. Great for modern luxe flower arrangements.
Smithers Oasis galaxy glitter florist wrap- this strong fabric is ideal for adding glitter sprinkles to bouquets, flower arrangements and house plant gift. This glittered florist fabric will also look spectacular in florist shop windows.
Smithers Oasis amazon and check florist wrap- these florist wraps will add value to any flower arrangement or design, this strong fabric is also widely used for shop window displays.
Florist kraft paper wrap- a multipurpose florist wrap kraft paper is perfect for wrapping everyday flowers or gifts. Made for recyclable paper, this rustic florist wrap is popular and more eco- friendly wrap for everyday use. Florist kraft paper comes on a large roll which is easy to cut to your desired size. Florist kraft paper is available in a wide range of colours and designs.
Hessian florist wrap- this soft fabric is easy to cut and is perfect for creating a rustic style flower arrangement. Hessian wrap is popular for weddings and events.
View our florist cards and florist packaging departments for more florist packaging supplies.
13 products in this category, displaying products 1 to 13.